Tag: music

  • Super Duper Itunes Analysis

    Super Duper Itunes Analysis

    Fair warning, I’m a bit of a data geek. And I’m stubbornly persistant when I come up with an idea that I’m curious about seeing through. So when I thought about the growth rate of my music collection within iTunes, I simply had to figure out a way to graph it.

  • Two Week Challenge

    Two Week Challenge

    My housemate Christopher and I are challenging each other every two weeks to keep things exciting this year. My first two week challenge of 2010. The challenge: make a lip-sync video to Franz Ferdinand’s “Take Me Out” starring at least 10 people I didn’t know personally. I started out in Dolores Park, and rocked out…

  • Graduation!


    A quick update that for now, UCSC is behind me. Thanks to my Mom for taking this rad photo by the Porter squiggle: And also, this new Sigur Ros track from their new album, Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust, somehow sums up the past few days:

  • in rainbows

    in rainbows

    While this is probably the #1 blog post today in the blogosphere, I thought I’d pitch in as well. At about 10:30pm PST yesterday, I received an email I had been hoping to get for quite some time. (er, 10 days..) w.a.s.t.e sent me a download link, and within a few minutes I was listening…

  • Ya No Sé Que Hacer Conmigo

    Ya No Sé Que Hacer Conmigo

    Watch an awesome typographical music video sung by Cuarteto de Nos.

  • Vitalic – Birds

    as made by plex with the song Poney by Vitalic.