SNOO and eero Incompatibility

If you have eero as your home router and just bought a SNOO, you’re in for a surprise! Unfortunately when you combine a best-in-class router and a best-in-class smart baby bassinet, they aren’t at all compatible. Since I couldn’t find any published information or posts on this issue, here’s a quick recap for future Google-ers.

SNOO uses 2.4Ghz and WPA2 security. eero primarily uses 5Ghz with a hidden 2.4Ghz fallback and WPA2 PSK AES. This sounds like it should work, but it doesn’t.

SNOO doesn’t support mesh networks and shows each eero base/beacon as separate networks / duplicate SSIDs. No other device in the house does this, and eero was very surprised to hear this. Screenshot below (sheep / sheep’s clothing networks)

IMG 1266

From SNOO customer support: “We have had known issues with snoo not connecting to Eero routers due to the mesh network. We have had a few customers were successful with connecting. However, if they become disconnected, they can’t get back online.”

Even if the secondary beacons are unplugged and you connect to the base station directly, you’ll then see a “Wrong Password” error even if the password is entered correctly. My guess is this is due to SNOO not fully supporting WPA2 PSK AES.

If you think you’ll find a quick fix by disabling your password entirely, you’d be mistaken – the SNOO app requires a password even for networks without security.

From SNOO customer support: Unfortunately, snoo does not support open networks.

While not using the SNOO app is an an option, if you have a mesh network setup and a high-end smart bassinet, I’m assuming that’s not ideal for you either. After some back and forth with both eero and SNOO, I decided to purchase a secondary “dumb” 2.4Ghz router for $20, the D-Link N 300. We now have a secondary “snoo” network which works just fine alongside our eero.






26 responses to “SNOO and eero Incompatibility”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Thank you so much for posting this. Today is my baby’s first day home from the hospital. It’s almost bedtime and the snoo wasn’t set up yet (because I thought it would be easy). Your post saved the day.

    1. maxelman Avatar

      Congrats and good luck with the little one!

  2. Jack Avatar

    I am the furthest thing from a tech savvy consumer. I have the SNOO and the eero; they sent us a router to us in addition. How do I set it up without interrupting my eero system? Thank you!!

    1. maxelman Avatar

      SNOO sent you a second router because they knew you were using an eero? Interesting! I bought a network switch to plug a router in alongside my eero. But you could try plugging the new router right into the eero to see if that helps. Good luck!

      1. Jack Avatar

        I plugged the router into the eero, but now what? Tried set up on the snoo but same issue. Do I have to do anything with this router other that simply plug it in? Any chance you can give me the step by step of what you did so I can mimic it exactly? Much appreciated!

  3. Jared Avatar

    Hey, would love to know how you set this up. Did everything SNOO told me and it still won’t connect to the dumb WiFi network. Cheers!

    1. maxelman Avatar

      I never got it working with an eero network – I had to use a second router and wifi network. Is that what you tried?

  4. Michael Brownsher Avatar
    Michael Brownsher

    Hi there. Thanks for your post on this as i’m currently dealing with this exact situation. Not super tech savvy but wanted some clarification if you don’t mind sharing. Purchase a 2.4 ghz wireless router. Set up a second wireless network. Then do you just use the secondary router as an access point and plug it into the main router?

    Thank you,


    1. maxelman Avatar

      Yep! I had an unmanaged switch plugged into the eero in order to get a few extra ports. The cheap router was plugged into that.

      1. Michael Brownsher Avatar
        Michael Brownsher

        Thank you so much! I’ll report back 🙂

        1. Michael Brownsher Avatar
          Michael Brownsher

          used this. set up as an access point and has worked like a charm. Thank You!

  5. Amy S Avatar
    Amy S

    We just got the snoo and have a google mesh network. Wondering, With the dumb network set up, do you need to switch wi-fi networks on your phone every time you want to use the snoo controls from the app?

    1. maxelman Avatar

      Nope! All requests go through snoo’s servers so you don’t have to be on the same wifi network.

    2. Matt Avatar

      Did you ever get the SNOO working on your google wifi? I have the same system and just the new router sent to me by Happiest Baby

      1. maxelman Avatar

        Never did get it working – I just ran a second router alongside.

        1. Matt Avatar

          Did you plug that router (they sent me a TP Link) into your homebase eero unit or the actual modem/router (like what Comcast would send you) Or one of your satellite eero units?

          Thanks for the help

          1. maxelman Avatar

            Good question – it’s been a while, but I’m fairly certain I plugged it into a small unmanaged switch which was then plugged into the main eero. Two routers plugged into the modem might cause problems.

          2. Matt Avatar

            In theory, could it work plugged into a satellite mesh point?

          3. maxelman Avatar

            Yup! Same result as if it was plugged into the base unit.

          4. Matt Avatar

            IT WORKED!!! Thank you

  6. Beth Avatar

    I had the same problem on my eero. FWIW, I fixed it by tricking my phone to connect at the 2.4ghz level by temporarily disconnecting the closest beacons to the Snoo until the Eero app confirmed my iPhone was connected at 2.4ghz to a far away beacon. I ran the Snoo app again and it connected immediately. I was able to reconnect the closer beacons after with no problem. Adding this here in case it helps.

    1. Kevin Avatar

      Beth I had the same problem, and your solution worked. Disconnected the upstairs and main lebel eero, and it connected to the basement at 2.4ghz. This let the Snoo connect properly.

  7. Preet Avatar

    FYI there is an option now in Eero’s app to disable the 5ghz band for 15min to set up non-5ghz devices

    Settings -> Troubleshooting -> My Device Won’t Connect

    1. Jonathan Avatar

      Ughhhh I am struggling with my eero as well even after temporarily switching off 5ghz. Guess I will call SNOO in the morning, seems they are sending routers to people now?

      1. Harry Avatar

        Did you ever get yours working?

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