Adding USB-C to a Yoto Player

Edited 5/1/24: I would now purchase this part which streamlines some of the instructions below.

We love our Yoto player, but it uses an easily broken and easily lost proprietary puck charger that’s $25 to replace. No thanks! The mini model uses USB-C and has the same 5V input as the larger model. Our charger broke a few days ago, so I decided to add USB-C charging before a trip. Works great so far!

Mount vs cable: I decided to use a mounted female usb-c port, but you could also leave a long female end dangling out the end, or even a long enough male cord which you could plug in directly.

Existing charger: I wanted to leave the puck-charger wired and working – so I connected the USB-C in parallel with the existing charger.

2 pin connectors: I didn’t want to cut any wires inside, so I bought matching male and female connectors to attach to the existing Yoto connectors. Works great and can easily be un-done in the future if needed.

Want to do it? Here’s what you need:

Total cost: $11. Cost if you use a spare USB-C cable and cut it in half: $1

You’ll need these tools:

  • Small phillips screwdriver (PH1)
  • Drill and various sized bits
  • Hex key for M3 screws
  • Wire cutters
  • Heat gun for wire connectors

Gallery / Instructions:






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