Tag: film

  • it’s finally official

    As of today, I’m a double art/film digital media major. Awesome. Quite the ordeal, I have to say. College 8 was a bit of a punk about it, and the film department was just plain silly at times. All and all, the Art department rocked, and was strangely efficient. Weird. Definitely glad I’ll never have…

  • The Moon Monster

    The Moon Monster

    Just finished an animated version of sam brown’s moon monster story for a film class:

  • gnomes, robots, pizza

    gnomes, robots, pizza

    I finished a non-linear narrative for a film class today and I would love to post post it, but it can sadly only live on a dvd as it uses DVD menus fairly exclusively.. It’s about gnomes, robots, pizza, and dreams… It’s generally pretty weird. Here’s one of my favorite clips though. the music is…