• Garden Photoshoot

    Garden Photoshoot

    Sometimes you just have to set up a tripod and go jump in the backyard for a while. Today was one of those days. After it stopped raining (and the mud had a bit of time to dry out), I went out back and took a few hundred pictures. Here’s…

  • 75 days of 2011

    75 days of 2011

    We’re off to a good start, 2011. A trip to Sundance, a new motorcycle, time with my family, steady work, and a quick getaway to Las Vegas all have made for a pretty crazy two and a half months. I’ve managed to (mostly) keep up with my photo-a-day project (no…

  • Star Wars & Clam Chowder

    Star Wars & Clam Chowder

    Highlight of the day: The Dunsmuir Brewery Works booth at the 30th annual Santa Cruz Clam Chowder Cookoff, and this fine gentleman on the accordion:

  • 2010 in Pictures

    2010 in Pictures

    2010 was a pretty awesome year for photography. I took more pictures than I ever have before (17,482 exposures) and completed my first project 365 (a photo every day). Here’s a few links and galleries:

  • A Story And A Picture

    A Story And A Picture

    Do you like photography? How about short stories? What about awesome amounts of creativity? Then you should probably check out A Story And A Picture – a new collaboration with Christopher Hermelin. I take the pictures and he writes a 1000 words a few days later. It’s a good system…

  • Google Apps Upgrade

    Google Apps Upgrade

    Are you using Google Apps? Ready to upgrade to a single-sign-on for your various Google services, but the options hasn’t become available yet? It’s probably not shown up because you made an account for your Apps email outside of Apps. Yeah – it’s really confusing. Hopefully merging them will help. So here’s…

  • The Bonneville Salt Flats

    The Bonneville Salt Flats

    Driving to San Francisco from Utah on I-80, you’ll pass through the Bonnevile Salt Flats shortly before crossing the Nevada state line. There’s a rest stop smack in the middle of them, and it’s definitely worth stopping for. Pull over, stretch your legs, grab your camera and take some pictures.…

  • Walk Like an Egyptian

    Walk Like an Egyptian

    Taken on Muir Beach with my sister, Carly Kear

  • March by the Numbers

    March by the Numbers

    Photos Taken 962 Photos Uploaded to Flickr 37 Albums Downloaded 41 Tracks Listened to 895 Foursquare Checkins 164 Checkins at New Places 41% Venues Visited 101 Delicious Bookmarks 39 rss articles read 920 articles shared 49 Total Emails Sent/Received 1853 Tweets: 28 Incoming Traffic 97.6 GB Outgoing Traffic 16.4 GB…

  • Two Week Challenge

    Two Week Challenge

    My housemate Christopher and I are challenging each other every two weeks to keep things exciting this year. My first two week challenge of 2010. The challenge: make a lip-sync video to Franz Ferdinand’s “Take Me Out” starring at least 10 people I didn’t know personally. I started out in…