• Pumpkin Ales 2013

    Pumpkin Ales 2013

    View & sort all 80+ pumpkin beer reviews And so it continues for the third year running. We’re at a whopping 32 and we’re not done yet! The Great Pumpkin Ale – Cambridge Brewing Company 6/10 Claims to be New England’s first pumpkin ale, which, having just seen the plethora…

  • Pumpkin Ales 2012

    Pumpkin Ales 2012

    View & sort all 80+ pumpkin beer reviews The tasting continues for 2012! Our rating scale relates to the pumpkin beer as a whole. We rated the beer itself on a 1-10 scale and then added or subtracted based on the overall “pumpkin-ness” of the beer. (Imperial) Pumking – Southern…

  • Film Camera Selloff

    Film Camera Selloff

    I’m making some extra room in my house and decided to sell some unused film cameras. Let me know if you’re interested!

  • Super Duper Itunes Analysis

    Super Duper Itunes Analysis

    Fair warning, I’m a bit of a data geek. And I’m stubbornly persistant when I come up with an idea that I’m curious about seeing through. So when I thought about the growth rate of my music collection within iTunes, I simply had to figure out a way to graph…

  • The Call of Cthulhu For Beginning Readers

    The Call of Cthulhu For Beginning Readers

    Having just read Lovecraft’s Call of Cthulhu this past Christmas, combined with a deep-seeded love for Dr. Seuss, I was thrilled to come across a mashup earlier today. On DeviantArt, DrFaustusAU makes all sorts of Seussian illustrations, but it was the complete rewrite of the 86 year old horror classic that caught…

  • Manta Ray Heaven

    Night dive off the coast of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii with Big Island Divers on March 20th, 2012. Shot with a Leica D-LUX 4 in a 10Bar underwater housing.

  • The Great Pumpkin Ale Tasting of 2011

    The Great Pumpkin Ale Tasting of 2011

    View & sort all 80+ pumpkin beer reviews It’s been a tough month. After going through a few various Oktoberfest six-packs, we moved on Pumpkin Ales. For science! And the betterment of pumpkin-lovers worldwide. Our rating scale relates to the pumpkin beer as a whole. We rated the beer itself…

  • Mixed Technology

    Mixed Technology

    I’ve had a package of Polaroid type 59 instant 4×5 film in my fridge for five years now and decided to use it today. After picking up a set of Photojojo iPhone lenses from Doc Pop (courtesy of a Postagram contest), Kristan and I headed to Glen Canyon to have…

  • 200 days of 2011

    200 days of 2011

    This is the last major milestone in my photo-a-day project as I’m taking a break for the foreseeable future. Shooting a picture every day is tough work, and forcing myself to do it is no longer as productive and helpful as it once was.  665 days in the past two years isn’t…

  • Garden Photoshoot

    Garden Photoshoot

    Sometimes you just have to set up a tripod and go jump in the backyard for a while. Today was one of those days. After it stopped raining (and the mud had a bit of time to dry out), I went out back and took a few hundred pictures. Here’s…