Category: Blog

  • Vitalic – Birds

    as made by plex with the song Poney by Vitalic.

  • the real world is for losers

    the real world is for losers

    next up, my final for art 119.

  • 10 unpleasant ways to die

    A short film created for art 119 starring a bunch of balloons. poor, poor balloons

  • the girl with the bubbles

    the girl with the bubbles

    Some recent art  – a narrative starring Kristan. Responses have been good so far – ranging from “Hey, I want to buy that”, to the TA for my section: “whimsical-yet-slightly-uneasy-like-you-are-in-a-dream-that-might-get-a-little- weird-but-not-scary-weird-just-your-head-turns-into-a-watermelon-weird-and- you-float-away-in-a-bubble-weird-to-go-to-a-robot-wedding-weird” I’d say that’s a good thing.

  • tamm the warlock

    tamm the warlock

    Looks like I play WoW now, and that over there is my kick-ass gnome warlock engineer. His name is Tamm and he’s happy to meet you (on the Azuremyst server, that is). On a more productive note, go listen to the Klaxons. Their new album, Myths of the Near Future is great.

  • Twitter?


    Looks like I’m on  Twitter now! Darth Vader is following me, so that means it’s official, right? Find me @razorfrog

  • my scary fort

    my latest art project, this one for art 118 – advanced computer art and such. created in jitter and max/msp, the video installation lives inside a fort, and makes it quite interactive and scary. the included films include: the birds, jaws, and the silence of the lambs. below is a video created using clips from…

  • choose your own blog post

    choose your own blog post

    this is great – a flash based choose your own adventure game with so many endings and so many deaths it’s hard to keep track. try to get eaten by a zombie, have hitler steal your time-travel machine, kill shakespeare, or just have some fish sticks. A Triangle Morning’s Which Way Game

  • pictures in the dark

    pictures in the dark

    In another strange course of events – I wasn’t able to swing a photo class this quarter, so instead I’m in a film class. which has me taking pictures. It’s seemingly unavoidable, and i’m totally okay with that. I love photography, and i’ll take any chance to get credit for it… but yes – the…

  • bears! oh my!

    bears! oh my!

    Teddybears – they’re an awesome punk-rock band from Sweden that finally released their tunes in the US a few months ago. That went well, some good videos were made, and apparently Iggy Pop got involved: And yes, I have a roof again!