Category: Blog
Vitalic – Birds
as made by plex with the song Poney by Vitalic.
the real world is for losers
next up, my final for art 119.
10 unpleasant ways to die
A short film created for art 119 starring a bunch of balloons. poor, poor balloons
the girl with the bubbles
Some recent art – a narrative starring Kristan. Responses have been good so far – ranging from “Hey, I want to buy that”, to the TA for my section: “whimsical-yet-slightly-uneasy-like-you-are-in-a-dream-that-might-get-a-little- weird-but-not-scary-weird-just-your-head-turns-into-a-watermelon-weird-and- you-float-away-in-a-bubble-weird-to-go-to-a-robot-wedding-weird” I’d say that’s a good thing.
tamm the warlock
Looks like I play WoW now, and that over there is my kick-ass gnome warlock engineer. His name is Tamm and he’s happy to meet you (on the Azuremyst server, that is). On a more productive note, go listen to the Klaxons. Their new album, Myths of the Near Future is great.
Looks like I’m on Twitter now! Darth Vader is following me, so that means it’s official, right? Find me @razorfrog
my scary fort
my latest art project, this one for art 118 – advanced computer art and such. created in jitter and max/msp, the video installation lives inside a fort, and makes it quite interactive and scary. the included films include: the birds, jaws, and the silence of the lambs. below is a video created using clips from…
choose your own blog post
this is great – a flash based choose your own adventure game with so many endings and so many deaths it’s hard to keep track. try to get eaten by a zombie, have hitler steal your time-travel machine, kill shakespeare, or just have some fish sticks. A Triangle Morning’s Which Way Game
pictures in the dark
In another strange course of events – I wasn’t able to swing a photo class this quarter, so instead I’m in a film class. which has me taking pictures. It’s seemingly unavoidable, and i’m totally okay with that. I love photography, and i’ll take any chance to get credit for it… but yes – the…
bears! oh my!
Teddybears – they’re an awesome punk-rock band from Sweden that finally released their tunes in the US a few months ago. That went well, some good videos were made, and apparently Iggy Pop got involved: And yes, I have a roof again!